
with SECONDSKIN technology



Dual Carbon


Kina's SecondSkin technology comprises a longitudinal linear Carbon strip sandwiched beneath a dense PET foam deck insert. The sandwich composite structure provides a unique dynamic reflex response causing your board to accelerate out of turns and feel lively and alive.

The hard composite shell reduces the heel dents common in traditional surfboard construction and provides a dampening effect that absorbs the kinetic energy from chop reducing the chatter normally felt when riding an epoxy board.

Lots of buzz words, but to be honest you just need to try one to experience the difference. You won't go back.


SPINE-TEK® Replaces traditional timber stringers with a precision engineered composite spine, combining innovation and technology to deliver optimal flex based performance. Designed through the principles of elastic potential energy, SPINE-TEK® allows the surfboard to flex, load up on energy and then spring back to its natural rocker curve with drive, speed, power, and flow.

SPINE-TEK® is exclusive to Channel Islands Surfboards.


Carbon tape laminated on the deck and bottom has become standard in EPS Epoxy construction across most brands as way to increase strength and provide a dynamic flex response.

Onon's standard Dual Carbon layup has a 7-line carbon tape on the deck combined with a quad carbon tape on the bottom giving the board strength and a solid under foot flex response. whilst maintaining a very reasonable price point.

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